
by Weenjoy



With Weenjoy:DOWNLOAD, CONSUME AND PAY CANJEADownload the free Weenjoy APP and enter the invitation code. Go to the Affiliated Businesses and receive Pinjoys for each of the purchases or consumptions that you make.ACTIVATE THE APPActivate the APP by purchasing from an Affiliated Business (Weenjoy Partner).SHAREGenerate invitation codes and share the APP with your friends, so your Community grows.TAKE ADVANTAGE OF AND BENEFIT FROM THE BONUSESBuy and consume with our Weenjoy Partners and get direct bonuses at Pinjoys for your purchases and indirect for purchases from your Community.ENJOYUse your Pinjoys accumulated in the hundreds of Weenjoy Community BusinessesYou can perform the following actions:• Get to know the catalog of the Weenjoy Partners affiliated with Weenjoy.• Check the news, notifications and Pinjoys accumulated• Know your balance in Pinjoys and the growth of your Community.